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More emphasis on physical education essential

01-physical-educationIn today’s mechanical era where all the facilities are available at the click of mouse, physical activities have become minimal. This has resulted in an alarming increase in a number of health problems right from the young age. Realising this, it was decided by some of the state education departments to introduce examination for physical education at school level. This indeed was a good step as it will make the students take greater interest in sports and will enable them to become more health conscious.
With the advent of modern technology, physical education has not been given much thought in the past. Instead of spending time outdoors in fresh air, children these days prefer to sit in the company of computers or watch television. Pressure of studies, ambitious academic programmes of the schools, ever growing number of books etc. have also made it difficult for them to indulge in sports activities. The present day picture of education is young students carrying heavy satchels to schools, spending most part of the day in the class room and coming back home to have another heavy dose of home work. This is not only taking heavy toll on the health of the children, but is also affecting their creativity. Instead of bright and cheerful children what we see today are overburdened youngsters for whom the words “success” and “career” are the most important. The saying “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” has long been forgotten and what we hear these days is “Only work and no play are the keys to success”.
It is quite unfortunate that the system of education has never been given much thought in our country. The studies conducted world over has proved the harmful effect of forcing the children to the mechanical system of education. The children, especially in the initial six years, should be allowed to grow with nature till they grow strong in the atmosphere of freedom and realize the importance of education and knowledge. It should be realized that along with academics, extra curricular activities, especially sports, are vital for the overall growth of the children and for better performance.
Children are the citizens of tomorrow on whose shoulders lie the future of our nation. Not only they have to be imparted right knowledge in the right manner, they have to be made emotionally, spiritually and morally strong to face the future challenges. Our main aim should be to make children not robots but human beings with mind and heart bustling with enjoyment and enlightenment.


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